Terms and Conditions

Last update: March 09, 2023

We are Kindology, Lda (“Kindology”), a limited liability company, with NIPC 517052326, headquartered at Travessa de São Pedro 8, 1200-432 Lisboa, Portugal, and with an official website at https://www.thekindology.com.


1. Introduction

A. About Kindology
Kindology is a mental health platform. With us, you have access to a wide range of services in Clinical Psychology, Coaching, Nutrition, Personal Training, Mindfulness, Maternal Health, among others, provided by duly accredited professionals.

Kindology was created with the purpose of making Mental Health accessible to everyone. For this reason, we decided that we did not want to be just a platform for providing online services, but above all, a brand and a community that allows this purpose to be scaled up, by giving a voice and a stage to all those who feel involved with the issue of mental health. .

B. Framework
This document is intended to inform you about the terms and conditions for using our platform, both in terms of providing services and purchasing products.

In order to use our services, you must accept our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy, through a duly marked checkbox. If you do not agree or recognize the documents indicated, we ask you to stop using our platform.

Kindology and its professionals do not replace the need for medical follow-up, in the same way that this is not an immediate and urgent support platform. For this purpose, we strongly recommend that you contact the Emergency Line in the country in which you are located.

Kindology is, in fact, a platform for permanent psychological support, of a medium and long-term nature, which you should use to obtain dedicated follow-up from a Psychology professional, after or pre-diagnosis of any mental health problem likely to be treated by one of our professionals.

We are also a mental health promotion platform, so you can also join us as a Customer and a member of our community, by purchasing our services, by purchasing our products and/or by proactively contributing to the improvement of mental health perception in society.


2. Provision of Services

A. Registration
Access to our platform, namely to the area for scheduling sessions, requires, first of all, the creation of an account.

There are several types of accounts that can be created:

Employee account
Dedicated to employees of companies with whom we have established a commercial relationship to offer this service to employees. This is a type of account where users do not pay for the services provided, considering that the payment is made by the company or organization to which they belong.

Customer Account
The most common account, dedicated to individual Customers, who are not associated with any company or organization for the purpose of relating to Kindology. In this account, Clients will have to pay for scheduled sessions.

Partner account
By establishing a relationship with a number of organizations, we define a protocol in which we guarantee access to our services to their members or collaborators. This is, therefore, an account dedicated to this profile of Customers, who will have access to a set of specific functionalities of our platform.

Creating an account is therefore a mandatory step for scheduling sessions, as we need to identify the user profile.
Authentication is performed through a Microsoft security platform called Azure Active Directory B2C.

By registering on our platform, you are automatically accepting our Terms and Conditions, as well as the Privacy Policy.
To complete the registration on our platform, we send a confirmation email to your email.

We strongly recommend using a strong password consisting of a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.

If you register on our platform through an external SSO service (Single-Sign-On - Google or Facebook, for example), you are granting us access to use a set of information that you have provided to that service (name, date of birth, e-mail and telephone, for example), in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of that service and our Privacy Policy.

If you suspect that your user account may have been misused, please inform us immediately via email at [email protected].

B. Contact
If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, please contact us at [email protected].

We guarantee the security of our email through a multifactor authentication system. However, we ask that you never share health, credit card or any other sensitive information via email with us.


3. Use of the Platform

The Kindology platform and all materials and content it contains are owned by Kindology or the persons and partners who have granted us the applicable license to use it (which also includes the third party software integrated into the Kindology platform).

Registering on our platform guarantees you access to these materials and contents, but only within the scope of your relationship with Kindology, in your own name or on behalf of another person. If you use the Kindology platform for another person, you remain fully responsible for ensuring that use on that person's behalf is permitted under these Terms and Conditions. For this purpose, the user of the platform must obtain the consent of the person he represents and inform him about the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy.

Platform Customers (in other words, recipients of the Service object of the contract), when accessing the platform, will have to expressly declare their full agreement with the terms and conditions set out on the website, as well as expressly declare their informed consent, in the constant terms on the platform.

All citizens with access to the Internet have access to the Kindology platform.

Citizens aged 18 years or over, and also citizens aged under 18 years, with a view to contracting the services provided, are holders of access to the Kindology register, provided that they are explicitly authorized by the holders of parental or legal responsibility. .

Express consent to the use of the services mentioned in the previous number by Customers under the age of 18 is carried out by sending, by email, a written declaration, dated and digitally signed, to the address [email protected].


The Client's duties are, namely:
1. Provide true and up-to-date information whenever requested by the Providers, through registration and administrative services, as well as other interactions that may operate through Kindology, assuming responsibility if the accuracy and veracity of the data is not verified;

2. Provide true and accurate information for the purposes of billing the services provided by Kindology;

3. Save the access data to the platform, keeping the appropriate reservation about these, which are personal and non-transferable;

4. Relate with Providers, verbally or in writing, using appropriate language;

5. Guarantee the technical conditions of access to the services made available by Kindology, namely equipment and internet service, without which Kindology will not be responsible for the inability or deficiency in access;

6. Make use of the technological capabilities made available by Kindology exclusively for the purposes for which they were made available;

7. Respect intellectual property rights regarding Kindology content.

8. Scheduling and carrying out consultations/sessions will always be preceded by certain acts on the part of the user, in this case Customer: registration on the platform; statement of agreement and acceptance of the terms and conditions of use of the platform and privacy policy; choice of Provider; scheduling; completion of the payment.

9. Only after payment has been made does Kindology validate the consultation/session, notifying the Customer and the Provider by email immediately.

10. If the Client requests the appointment to be rescheduled, this must be done at least 24 hours in advance. In that case, Kindology notifies the Provider up to 12 hours before the consultation so that it can rearrange its schedule.

11. If the Client cancels the consultation/session or requests rescheduling after 24 hours, Kindology reserves the right not to refund the amount paid and the Provider receives it as if the consultation had been carried out.

12. On the day and time scheduled, Customer and Provider must access the link provided by Kindology through the platform. If the Client does not attend the consultation or session or if he/she is more than 15 minutes late without having previously informed Kindology, the consultation/session is canceled and there is no right to a refund of the amount paid. In turn, the Provider receives as if the consultation/session had taken place normally.


The Provider's duties are, namely:

1. The Provider may not reproduce, modify, perform derivative works, reverse engineer, disintegrate, compile or disassemble the platform or the material found on the platform; change copyright or other proprietary rights notices of Kindology or its partners, make the platform available for commercial use by third parties, access or use (or permit use by third parties) to build or support any competing product or service of Kindology, or inaccurately or falsely represent yourself to the Company.

2. If the Provider is more than 15 minutes late, the Client may request a refund of the amount paid, in which case the consultation/session will be canceled and the Provider will not receive the agreed price.

3. Likewise, if the consultation/session, for whatever reason, is canceled by the Provider less than 24 hours in advance and the rescheduling is not carried out, the Provider will not be paid and the Client will be entitled to new session.

4. When using the platform to provide services, the Provider must correspond to a reasonable standard of commitment and care that fall within the Code of Ethics that governs its activity, namely the obligation to preserve the confidentiality of all information accessible to it, in a manner at least equivalent to face-to-face interaction; use proper and appropriate language; present yourself in a careful and neat manner in the videoconference; be in a suitable place for the consultation/session; not to carry out the consultation/session in public spaces and spaces, even if private, where more people and/or animals are present, even pets that could interfere with the audio.

5. The Provider will not discuss specific or logistical issues regarding its interactions with the platform with its customers, particularly with regard to payment mechanisms and terms, without the express consent of the company.

6. The Provider will not provide additional services beyond the services for which it is contracted.

7. The Provider will not provide its customers and users with any service that is not legally or ethically framed, either in relation to Kindology or in relation to the Professional Order and/or the Law/Regulation that protects its profession.

8. When providing services, the Provider will not make any diagnosis, treatment, test, advice, consultancy or recommendation of any treatment or any type of service that implies a personal meeting or examination of a client or user.

9. The Provider will not provide services to any user who shows signs of an emergency. For emergencies, the Provider agrees that it must immediately call the local emergency number and resort to available data, acting in accordance with the ethical standards established for its profession.

10. Regardless of professional experience and academic qualifications, the Provider agrees not to practice medicine through the platform, including, without exception, diagnosing medical conditions and prescribing or dispensing any medication.

11. The Provider shall only use the platform for the purpose of providing the designated services or other tasks directly related to such provision of services. The platform may never be used to carry out any illegal or unethical activity that violates our rights or the rights of others. This includes the promotion of other legitimate businesses or activities outside of Kindology, as well as the sale of products, regardless of their legality.

12. The Provider, when using the platform and being part of Kindology's provision of services, will never ask its customers for any additional data aimed at charging additional services or extra amounts beyond those established between Kindology and the Customer.


4. Conflict Resolution

If a dispute or dispute arises regarding the interpretation, validity or application of this Terms and Conditions document, which cannot be resolved amicably, either party may submit it to the Judicial Court of the District of Lisbon, with express waiver of any other court.