Kindology Host

Community | Remote

Kindology Host Community


Kindology is a social impact brand and community dedicated to making men-tal health accessible to everyone through private consultations, group sessions for businesses and individuals, products and events.

Kindology aims to harness the potential of organizations to help society while solving their own problem.
It's all done through a Robin Hood-inspired model of social responsibility, where companies subscribe to Kindology's employee assistance program and mental health services, knowing that a portion of the amount invested will go to support people who cannot afford mental health therapy.

By giving them visibility and involving their employees in this community sup-port, Kindology helps organizations build their internal culture and position the public perception of their contribution to society.


Kindology focus on spreading kindness and positivity can have a significant impact on mental health within the community. Studies have shown that prac-ticing acts o    and positivity at the local level. Kindology Hosts are responsible for managing our Kind Places - typically organized in dif-ferent regions, cities, or neighborhoods, and run by a group of volunteers who are passionate about the mission of Kindology.

As a Kindology Host, you will be able to organize various events and initiatives in your community, such as community service projects, social gatherings, ed-ucational workshops, and awareness campaigns with the support of Kindology ambassadors, sponsors and therapists (or Kindologists, as we love to call them). These events can be tailored to address the unique needs of your com-munity and can help create a sense of connection and belonging among members.

You will help promote Kindology's message and values in your community by collaborating with local organizations, businesses, and government agencies. 

The initiatives developed can also provide a support network for individuals who may be struggling with mental health challenges or other difficulties. By connecting with others who share a common goal of spreading kindness and positivity, individuals can feel a sense of belonging and support during difficult times.


We believe in long and lasting relationships. That’s why we are looking for peo-ple like you, who can commit to Kindology’s mission and values.


What does it take?                                                  

  • Create a strong leadership team that will be responsible for organizing events and initiatives, managing finances, and recruiting and engaging volunteers.
  • Build a network of volunteers who are passionate about spreading kindness and positivity in their communities.
  • Foster partnerships with local organizations, businesses, and government agencies to promote their message and values applied to mental health.
  • Focus on building strong relationships with your community and engaging people in your initiatives, to build a sustainable network and increase impact over time.


Seeking donations: Local chapters can seek donations from individuals, busi-nesses, and organizations that support their mission and values. Donations can be collected through online fundraising platforms, such as GoFundMe or Kick-starter, or by requesting direct donations from supporters.

Selling merchandise: Local chapters can sell merchandise, such as t-shirts, hats, or tote bags, with the Kindology logo or message. These items can be sold at fundraising events or online through an e-commerce platform.

Providing services: Local chapters can offer services, such as workshops or training sessions, to individuals and organizations in their communities. These services can be offered for a fee, with the proceeds going towards the opera-tions of the local chapter.


To become a Kindology Host, there are a few requirements that you should meet. Here are some common requirements for volunteering with Kindology:

  • Age: You must be at least 18 years old or have parental consent if you are younger.
  • Commitment: You should be committed to supporting the mis-sion and values of Kindology, and be willing to dedicate your time and efforts to spreading kindness and positivity in your communi-ties.
  • Skills and experience: While no specific skills or experience are re-quired, you should have strong communication and interpersonal skills, and be comfortable interacting with people from diverse backgrounds.
  • Availability: You should have a flexible schedule and be available to participate in events and initiatives as needed.
  • Training: You may be required to undergo training on Kindology's mission, values, and initiatives before beginning your volunteer work.

If you feel that you are passionate about spreading kindness and positivity in your community and you meet the above requirements, we are looking for you!