On a mission to bring mental health to everyone

Everytime you book an appointment or buy a product you are funding mental health treatments to someone who cannot afford it.

How are you today?

Ilustração de várias pessoas em casa e na rua a dizer como se sentem. Os respetivos balões de fala dizem: "Não estou bem", "Com ansiedade", "Desesperado", "Só penso em desistir", "Super irritada", "Estou triste a toda a hora", "Nunca me senti pior".

You're not alone.

A lot of people around you don't want to show how they feel, but there are millions of people who feel the same as you. And no, it's not okay not to be okay. There is a solution for everyone.

1 / 5

people suffer from a serious mental illness every given year.

8 / 10

of children with mental health disorders never get to receive any treatment.

1 / 3

of teens between 15 and 20 seriously consider to suicide.

How it works?


Ilustração de um calendário de papel

Meet with a Kindologist in less than 24 hours

On our platform you will meet a set of professionals ready to guide you in everything related to your mental health.


Ilustração de dois braços abertos a acolher um coração.

Buy a Kindology product in our store

We are always developing cool products to put together our collection. When you buy at Kindology you take a stand for global kindness.


Ilustração de moedas e notas

Every time you get something, we help someone

For every purchase of 50€ we donate 10€ for mental health treatment of people who cannot afford it. For every 5 appointments we give one to someone.

Based on technology, know-how and... feelings, our Kindologists work collaboratively and confidentially to provide you the best care on this journey through your mental health.

We are on a mission to improve access to mental health and forever change the way people see it.

Buy a Kindology product in our store

For every 50€ purchase, we offer 10€ to fund mental health treatments to someone who cannot afford it.

We thrive in community.

At Kindology, we are focused on contributing to a community of people who want to feel good, who speak openly about health issues, life issues and who together gain the strength and energy to move on.

Três pessoas sentadas num sofá a conversar. A pessoa no meio solta uma gargalhada.

Psychologists, Therapists, Inspiring People, Companies.

Uma mulher com uma camisola da Kindology vestida.

We are a community from people to people. We are Kindologists.

We have the desire to reach all corners of the world, involving mental health professionals, inspiring people, companies and all those who identify with our philosophy.

We want you to feel comfortable with us

This is your place - the place where you can feel safe and where you have the right people to support you. Choose a calm and relaxing place for your session. Your home, a garden or wherever you feel most comfortable.

Ilustração de duas pessoas separadas a fazer uma videochamada. Uma delas oferece respostas às perguntas da outra